The best way to maximize your value (100x) as an individual is to build a community around your skills
NOT for the weak-hearted.
DO NOT sign up if you can't spend your entire waking time thinking about bettering yourself / your skill-based community.
Anyone who wants to become the best version of themselves and maximize their value (100x)
You're aware that some form of A.I. can automate 90% of your work and your work isn't challenging enough. You feel stuck.
Looking for your purpose/meaning in your life and you've tried/trying traveling, meeting people, and exploring opportunities.
We get it, you are a skilled freelancer but you aren't able to get high-paying clients consistently or scale your offerings and are stuck in a middle-income rut.
8 Week Intensive
Ideate and Launch your DAO / Community to 1 Million $ in Value and Launch a Token
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8 Week Intensive