Session Flow for the Complexity Weekend (April2022 Cohort)

Goal: Learn SystemDynamicsModeling Process and Concepts through with "Love"



Impact of Love on the well-being of an Individual


A few videos for you to get a better perspective of Love

Operating Definitions

Wellbeing Stack

If Love is a Feeling that correlates to an emotion [the neurochemical state of body] where does it fall within the wellbeing stack?


Systems Modeling

Impact of Love on Wellbeing of an Individual

leisure computer laptop

SystemModeling Process

Click here

presentation graph statistics

Reference Mode

Proxy: Productivity of people in love over time , single people

lightbulb idea thought office

Dynamic Hypothesis

A dynamic hypothesis is an idea about what structure might be capable of generating behavior like that in the reference modes. We can formulate a dynamic hypothesis simply by thinking about how the two variables in the reference mode are connected

briefcase suitcase business

Causal Loop

A causal loop diagram consists of four basic elements: the variables, the links between them, the signs on the links (which show how the variables are interconnected), and the sign of the loop (which shows what type of behavior the system will produce).

Tool: [Breakdown the neuromodulators and find activities that can cause the rise in such modulators]

mover occupation chair

Stock & Flow

Is love a stock variable or Flow variable?

Vensim Overview

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