Unethical Capital Accumulation (capital accumulated through labor exploitation and not reinvested / equitably distributed) is the root of all evils, such as Inequality and everything that stems from that.
This can't be solved without understanding value in its most fundamental form. Is it labor-based or market-based or something better ? Read along!
Value Creation vs Value Extraction
Cut the Middleman
Fundamentally Rethinking Value with what's common to all, TIME.
Leverage the power of Cryptocurrencies for frictionless capital movement (if needed)
Output ~ f (capital, labor and productivity)
-CobbDouglas Production Function
A complementary protocol to value exchange protocols such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, UPI, etc.
The ValueCapture Protocol captures who has done what, and what's the value of what's being done. A ProofOfWork, quite literally!
Wellbeing Quantified - The Balance between Science & Spirituality /Mysticism.
Wellbeing ~ f ( Physiology, Emotions, Feelings, Thoughts, Habits, and Performance).
An open Protocol that enables sustainable decentralized organizations to be built. The protocol is a set of recommendations and rules that outline specific skilling, demand generation, and operational standards that can be adopted for a specific skill segment, irrespective of religion, gender, race, nationality, and any human-made categorizations.
SAOcommons for "skill-based organization-building" is what HTTP is for the world wide web and SMTP is for emails and Bitcoin is for value exchange.
We believe in Systems Modeling so faster feedback loops were engineered to arrive at TheOpenProtocolStack after 4.5 years (As of March31-2023) of Researching and Building!
Given below is our ProofOfWork (Literal, not a Hash function trying to find a NONCE)
Under the guidance of funding of Bharat Inclusion Initiative of CIIE.Co